Grain Dryers

​ADAKURUTMA® produces reliable and efficient grain dryers in various models and capacities to meet today’s drying needs. As a trusted brand in the grain drying industry, ADAKURUTMA® dryers are designed with the most modern features available for high performance and simplified operation.

​High Efficiency

​We aim to meet your expectations by combining our years of experience with modern engineering skills in the production of our products.

​Environmentally Friendly

​​We develop each product to provide the highest benefit with minimal cost while using our resources in the most efficient way. 

​Technical Support

​We are aware that satisfied customers bring us significant benefits, which is why we strive to provide you with trouble-free products.

​To stay sharp and up-to-date every day, we are continuously evolving. Join us in our company’s growth and follow us on social media for updates on our activities, innovations, and events.